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The Superman Family # 191
Copertina di Rich Buckler

The Superman Family # 191

DC Comics Settembre 1978
The Incredible Shrinking Town!
Tom De Falco (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Joe Staton (inks) / Gene D'Angelo (colors)
10 pagine
Jimmy Olsen
The Quest for the Guardian
Tom De Falco (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Tex Blaisdell (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
9 pagine
The Hunters!
Bob Toomey (script) / Juan Ortiz (art) / Juan Ortiz (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
7 pagine
A Matter of Gravity
Gerry Conway (script) / Arvell Jones (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks) / Gene D'Angelo (colors)
10 pagine

protagonisti: Doom Patrol
Lois Lane
The Most Precious Plunder
Tom De Falco (script) / Win Mortimer (art) / John Celardo (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
9 pagine
The Super-Hero Money Can't Buy
Gerry Conway (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Tex Blaisdell (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
8 pagine
Nightwing and Flamebird
Sealed Room
Paul Kupperberg (script) / Ken Landgraf (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks)
10 pagine