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pghidini / ZetaG / FearBoy / Deboroh

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Many su Dragon Ball Ultimate Edition # 34, Deboroh su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, gionnistorm su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, majinberto su Disney Special Events # 48SP, Deboroh su The Intimates # 11,


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Superalbo Nembo Kid # 62

Superalbo Nembo Kid # 62

Mondadori Luglio 1965
Action Comics Vol 1 # 322
The Coward of Steel!
Jerry Siegel (script) / Al Plastino (art)
14 pagine

da Action Comics Vol 1 # 322, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1965)
Detective Comics vol 1 # 331
Batman and Robin
Museum of Mixed-Up Men!
Gardner Fox (script) / Carmine Infantino (art) / Joe Giella (inks)
24 pagine

da Detective Comics vol 1 # 331, DC Comics - USA (Set 1964)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 324
Legion of Super-Heroes
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes Part I: The Legion of Super-Outlaws!
Edmond Hamilton (script) / John Forte (art)
9 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 324, DC Comics - USA (Set 1964)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 324
Legion of Super-Heroes
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes Part II: The Battle of the Super-Teams!
Edmond Hamilton (script) / John Forte (art)
8 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 324, DC Comics - USA (Set 1964)
World's Finest Comics # 84
Green Arrow
The Mystery Of 1,000 Masks!
Dave Wood (script) / George Papp (art)
6 pagine

da World's Finest Comics # 84, DC Comics - USA (Set 1956)