Clark Kent--Reluctant Hero of Smallville! (Il rifiuto di Clark Kent)
Cary Bates (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Dave Hunt (inks)
Clark Kent--Reluctant Hero of Smallville! (Il rifiuto di Clark Kent)
Cary Bates (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Dave Hunt (inks)
17 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: Superman # 70, Editrice Cenisio (Ott 1981)
The Day of the Alien Scoop!!!
E. Nelson Bridwell (script) / Romeo Tanghal (art) / Kim DeMulder (inks)
The Day of the Alien Scoop!!!
E. Nelson Bridwell (script) / Romeo Tanghal (art) / Kim DeMulder (inks)
8 pagine
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