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Superboy vol 1 # 205
Copertina di Nick Cardy

Superboy vol 1 # 205

DC Comics Novembre 1974
Legion of Super-Heroes; Superboy
The Legion of Super-Executioners
Cary Bates (script) / Mike Grell (art)
20 pagine
Superboy vol 1 # 88
The One-Man Team!
Robert Bernstein (script) / George Papp (art)
9 pagine

da Superboy vol 1 # 88, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1961)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Albi del Falco # 278 - La grande rivelazione, Mondadori (Ago 1961)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 350
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
The Outcast Super-Heroes!
E. Nelson Bridwell (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Klein (inks)
12 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 350, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1966)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 350
Legion of Super-Heroes
Part II: The Devil's Dozen!
E. Nelson Bridwell (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Klein (inks)
11 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 350, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1966)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 351
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Part I: The Forgotten Legion!
E. Nelson Bridwell (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Klein (inks)
12 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 351, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1966)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 351
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Part II: The Faces behind the Masks!
E. Nelson Bridwell (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Klein (inks)
12 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 351, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1966)