Utenti registrati: 6000

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notoburattino / Alex8489 / fooljester78 / 01-03-1964 / aranea / Rodegher / L_91

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Deboroh su The Intimates # 11, Guardian su The Intimates # 11, gionnistorm su I Maestri Disney # 21, gionnistorm su I Maestri Disney # 20, gionnistorm su I Maestri Disney # 22,


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Superboy vol 1 # 132
Copertina di Curt Swan

Superboy vol 1 # 132

DC Comics Settembre 1966
Krypto's Cat-Crook Caper!
Otto Binder (script) / George Papp (art)
12 pagine
The Youth Who Was Braver Than Superboy!
Leo Dorfman (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Klein (inks)
12 pagine