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Super-Team Family Vol 1 # 2
Copertina di Neal Adams

Super-Team Family Vol 1 # 2

DC Comics Dicembre 1975
The Creeper and Wildcat
Showdown in San Lorenzo!
Dennis O'Neil (script) / Ric Estrada (art) / Bill Draut (inks)
18 pagine
Batman and Deadman
The Track of the Hook (L'impronta dell'uncino)
Bob Haney (script) / Neal Adams (art) / Neal Adams (inks)
23 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 79, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1968)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Batman # 51, Mondadori (Gen 1969)
Green Arrow and Speedy
The Case of the Vanishing Arrows!
Robert Bernstein (script) / Lee Elias (art)
7 pagine