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Sabbath17 / gionnistorm

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giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1,


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Star Reach # 6
Copertina di Jeff Jones

Star Reach # 6

Star Reach Ottobre 1976
The Prisoner of Pan-Tang
Eric Kimball (script) / Steven Grant (script) / Robert Gould (art)
20 pagine
Comic Story
Gary Petras (script) / Gene Day (art) / Steve Leialoha (inks)
3 pagine
Comic story
Why Viking Lander/Mars?
Ray Bradbury (script) / Alex Nino (art)
2 pagine
Gods of Mount Olympus
Chapter Two: Zeus and Prometheus
Johnny Achziger (script) / Joe Staton (art)
15 pagine
comic story
Out of Space, Out of Time
Gray Lyda (script) / Gray Lyda (art)
8 pagine