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Star Magazine # 4

Star Magazine # 4

Star Comics Dicembre 1990
Marvel Two-In-One # 60
Thing And The Impossible Man
La felicita è un alieno caldo
Mark Gruenwald (script) / Ralph Macchio (script) / George Pérez (art) / Gene Day (inks)
17 pagine

protagonisti: The Thing

da Marvel Two-In-One # 60, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 1980)
The Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans # 1
X-Men e New Teen Titans
Apokolips... now
Chris Claremont (script) / Walter Simonson (art) / Terry Austin (inks) / Glynis Wein (colors)
64 pagine

da The Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans, Marvel Comics - USA (Lug 1982)