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Star Magazine Oro # 12
Altre versioni di questo albo:

Star Magazine Oro # 12 | Gen13

Star Comics Giugno 1995
Gen 13
Jim Lee (script) / Brandon Choi (script) / J. Scott Campbell (art) / Alex Garner (inks) / Sandra Hope (inks)
24 pagine

da Gen 13 vol 1 # 1, Image Comics - USA (Feb 1994)
Gen 13
Jim Lee (script) / Brandon Choi (script) / Jeff Mariotte (script) / J. Scott Campbell (art) / Alex Garner (inks) / Sandra Hope (inks)
24 pagine

da Gen 13 vol 1 # 2, Image Comics - USA (Mar 1994)
Gen 13
Jim Lee (script) / Brandon Choi (script) / J. Scott Campbell (script) / J. Scott Campbell (art) / Sandra Hope (inks) / Al Rio (inks)
23 pagine

da Gen 13 vol 1 # 3, Image Comics - USA (Apr 1994)
Gen 13
Free For All
Jim Lee (script) / Brandon Choi (script) / J. Scott Campbell (script) / J. Scott Campbell (art) / Alex Garner (inks) / Sandra Hope (inks)
23 pagine

da Gen 13 vol 1 # 4, Image Comics - USA (Mag 1994)
Gen 13
Jim Lee (script) / Brandon Choi (script) / J. Scott Campbell (script) / J. Scott Campbell (art) / Alex Garner (inks) / Sandra Hope (inks)
25 pagine

da Gen 13 vol 1 # 5, Image Comics - USA (Lug 1994)