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Strange Stories of Suspense # 9
Copertina di Bill Everett

Strange Stories of Suspense # 9

Atlas Comics Giugno 1956
Breaking Through the Time Barrier
Joe Sinnott (art) / Joe Sinnott (inks)
4 pagine
Carl Wessler (script) / John Forte (art) / John Forte (inks)
4 pagine
Look to the Stars?
Bob McCarty (art)
3 pagine
The Unknown Man
Carl Wessler (script) / Mac Pakula (art) / Mac Pakula (inks)
4 pagine
Flight from Mars!
Carl Wessler (script) / Dick Ayers (art) / Dick Ayers (inks)
4 pagine
The Man Who Knew!
Syd Shores (art) / Syd Shores (inks)
4 pagine