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Silver Streak Comics # 3
Copertina di Jack Binder

Silver Streak Comics # 3

Lev Gleason Publications Marzo 1940
Silver Streak
The Mystery of the Monstrous Fly
Jack Binder (art)
10 pagine
Bill Wayne
The Texas Terror
Hal Sharp (art)
7 pagine
School Daze
Dick Ryan (script) / Dick Ryan (art)
1 pagine
Lance Hale
John Hampton (art)
8 pagine
Ace Powers
Heat Devron
8 pagine
Detective Snoop
Spike Ruff
Gill Fox (script) / Gill Fox (art)
5 pagine
Planet Patrol
The Magnetic Transmitter
Joe Simon (script) / Joe Simon (art)
6 pagine
Sgt. Drake
The Radio Controlled Plane
6 pagine