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Lo Spettro TP # 2

Lo Spettro TP # 2

Play Press Settembre 2003
The Spectre vol 4 # 5
The Spectre
J.M. DeMatteis (script) / Craig Hamilton (art) / Jim Royal (inks)
22 pagine

da The Spectre vol 4 # 5, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2001)
The Spectre vol 4 # 6
The Spectre
the Redeemer, Part 1: The Nature of the Beast
J.M. DeMatteis (script) / Ryan Sook (art) / Jim Royal (inks)
22 pagine

da The Spectre vol 4 # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2001)
The Spectre vol 4 # 7
The Spectre
the Redeemer, Part 2: ...Or Not To Be...
J.M. DeMatteis (script) / Manuel Garcia (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mark Propst (inks)
22 pagine

da The Spectre vol 4 # 7, DC Comics - USA (Set 2001)
The Spectre vol 4 # 8
The Spectre
the Redeemer, Part 3: The Choice
J.M. DeMatteis (script) / Ryan Sook (art) / Jim Royal (inks)
22 pagine

da The Spectre vol 4 # 8, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2001)