Justice Society of America
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Joe Staton (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Joe Staton (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
3 pagine
da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 461, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1979)

All Star Super Squad
All Star Super Squad
Gerry Conway (script) / Ric Estrada (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
All Star Super Squad
Gerry Conway (script) / Ric Estrada (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
18 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 58, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1976)

All Star Super Squad
Brainwave Blows Up!
Gerry Conway (script) / Paul Levitz (script) / Ric Estrada (art) / Wally Wood (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
Brainwave Blows Up!
Gerry Conway (script) / Paul Levitz (script) / Ric Estrada (art) / Wally Wood (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
18 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 59, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1976)

All Star Super Squad
Vulcan: Son of Fire!
Gerry Conway (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
Vulcan: Son of Fire!
Gerry Conway (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 60, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1976)

All Star Super Squad
Hellfire and Holocaust!
Gerry Conway (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
Hellfire and Holocaust!
Gerry Conway (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 61, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1976)

All Star Super Squad
When Fall The Mighty
Gerry Conway (script) / Paul Levitz (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
When Fall The Mighty
Gerry Conway (script) / Paul Levitz (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 62, DC Comics - USA (Set 1976)

All Star Super Squad
The Death of Doctor Fate
Paul Levitz (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
The Death of Doctor Fate
Paul Levitz (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 63, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1976)

All Star Super Squad
Yesterday Begins Today!
Paul Levitz (script) / Wally Wood (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
Yesterday Begins Today!
Paul Levitz (script) / Wally Wood (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 64, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1977)

All Star Super Squad
The Master Plan Of Vandal Savage
Paul Kupperberg (script) / Paul Levitz (script) / Wally Wood (script) / Wally Wood (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
The Master Plan Of Vandal Savage
Paul Kupperberg (script) / Paul Levitz (script) / Wally Wood (script) / Wally Wood (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 65, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1977)

All Star Super Squad
Injustice Strikes Twice!
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Bob Layton (inks)
Injustice Strikes Twice!
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Bob Layton (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 66, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1977)

All Star Super Squad
The Attack Of The Underlord!
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Bob Layton (inks)
The Attack Of The Underlord!
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Bob Layton (inks)
17 pagine
da All-Star Comics # 67, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1977)

Justice Society of America
The Untold Origin of the Justice Society
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Bob Layton (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
The Untold Origin of the Justice Society
Paul Levitz (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Bob Layton (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
34 pagine
da DC Special # 29, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1977)
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