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domedip87 / crimson / Deboroh / Royal7575 / ickers83

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Sensation Comics # 55
Copertina di Harry Peter

Sensation Comics # 55

DC Comics Luglio 1946
Wonder Woman
The Bughuman Plague
Joye Hummel (script) / William Moulton Marston (script) / Harry Peter (art)
12 pagine
Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys
Accent on Action
Frank Harry (art)
6 pagine
Sargon the Sorcerer
The Sargon Swing
John B. Wentworth (script) / Dennis Neville (art)
6 pagine
Mr. Terrific
Class for Criminals
Stan Asch (art)
6 pagine
Crime Before the Camera
Paul Reinman (art)
8 pagine