Justice League of America
Ghosts Of Stone (Fantasmi di pietra)
Grant Morrison (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Freeman (inks)
Ghosts Of Stone (Fantasmi di pietra)
Grant Morrison (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Freeman (inks)
14 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: JLA - Numero Zero - JLA, Rw Lion (Dic 2011), DC Best Seller - JLA # 13, Panini Comics (Set 2023)
The New Titans
Tower In The Sky!
Marv Wolfman (script) / Vince Giarrano (art) / Vince Giarrano (inks)
Tower In The Sky!
Marv Wolfman (script) / Vince Giarrano (art) / Vince Giarrano (inks)
11 pagine
Legion of Super-Heroes
The Little Clubhouse That Could
Gerard Jones (script) / Curt Swan (art) / Ty Templeton (inks)
The Little Clubhouse That Could
Gerard Jones (script) / Curt Swan (art) / Ty Templeton (inks)
12 pagine
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