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Secret Origins Vol 2 # 36
Copertina di Michael Carlin

Secret Origins Vol 2 # 36

DC Comics Gennaio 1989
Green Lantern
The Secret Origin of Green Lantern (L'origine segreta di Lanterna Verde)
Robert Greenberger (script) / Christopher Priest (script) / Mark Bright (art) / José Marzan Jr (inks)
18 pagine

Ristampa in originale: Secret Origins of the World's Greatest Super-Heroes # 1, DC Comics (Dic 1989)
Pubblicazione italiana: Play Book # 7 - Secret Origins, Play Press (Dic 1990)
Thomas Kalmaku
A Piece of the Pie
Gerard Jones (script) / Joe Staton (art) / Joe Staton (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
6 pagine