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Simpsons Comics # 42
Copertina di Bill Morrison

Simpsons Comics # 42

Bongo Entertainment, Inc. Aprile 1999
The Simpsons
The Homer Show
Chuck Dixon (script) / Phil Ortiz (art) / (inks)
Homer became a celebrity through his appearances on all those bleep, blunder, and blooper shows, so now everyone wants to know when Homer will say "D'oh!" The rest of the world is in on the gag of The Homer Show, except of course Homer Simpson.

21 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: I Simpson # 41 - The Homer Show, Panini Comics (Lug 2002)
The Simpsons
Jesse Leon McCann (script) / James Lloyd (art) / Tim Bavington (inks)
4 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: I Simpson # 41 - The Homer Show, Panini Comics (Lug 2002)