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The Savage Sword of Conan  # 50

The Savage Sword of Conan # 50

L'ira di Crom
Panini Comics Novembre 2019
The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 157
L'ira di Crom
Don Kraar (script) / Dale Eaglesham (art) / Pat Redding (inks)
50 pagine

da The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 157, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 1989)
The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 158
Il flagello della Confraternita Oscura
Chuck Dixon (script) / Ernie Chan (art)
50 pagine

da The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 158, Marvel Comics - USA (Mar 1989)
The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 159
La ruota
Chuck Dixon (script) / Michael Docherty (art) / Dave Simons (inks) / Black and White (colors)
50 pagine

da The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 159, Marvel Comics - USA (Apr 1989)