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pmattera / crimson / laracelo / Deboroh / giovaRe / Koldsangue / LOBO

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Red Warrior # 3
Copertina di Tom Gill

Red Warrior # 3

Timely Maggio 1951
Red Warrior
The Great Spirit Speaks
Tom Gill (art) / Joe Sinnott (inks)
7 pagine
Red Warrior
Ordeal By Torture
Tom Gill (art) / Joe Sinnott (inks)
6 pagine
(comic story)
Feud In the Forest
4 pagine
Scrapbook of the West
"Doc" Holiday
1 pagine

da Two-Gun Kid # 10, Timely - USA (Nov 1949)
Red Warrior
Jaws of Death
Tom Gill (art) / Joe Sinnott (inks)
5 pagine