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Prospero's Books # 122

Prospero's Books # 122 | Nei boschi

Tunué Giugno 2022
Through the Woods # 1
Comic story
An Introduction
Emily Carroll (script) / Emily Carroll (art) / Emily Carroll (colors)
4 pagine

da Through the Woods, Simon and Schuster - USA (Mag 2014)
Comic Story
Our Neighbor's House
Emily Carroll (script) / Emily Carroll (art) / Emily Carroll (colors)
18 pagine

da Through the Woods, Simon and Schuster - USA (Mag 2014)
Comic story
A Lady's Hands Are Cold
Emily Carroll (script) / Emily Carroll (art) / Emily Carroll (colors)
35 pagine

da Through the Woods, Simon and Schuster - USA (Mag 2014)
Comic story
His Face All Red
Emily Carroll (script) / Emily Carroll (art) / Emily Carroll (colors)
28 pagine

da Through the Woods, Simon and Schuster - USA (Mag 2014)
comic story
My Friend Janna
Emily Carroll (script) / Emily Carroll (art) / Emily Carroll (colors)
32 pagine

da Through the Woods, Simon and Schuster - USA (Mag 2014)
Comic Story
The Nesting Place
Emily Carroll (script) / Emily Carroll (art) / Emily Carroll (colors)
62 pagine

da Through the Woods, Simon and Schuster - USA (Mag 2014)
Comic story
In Conclusion
Emily Carroll (script) / Emily Carroll (art) / Emily Carroll (colors)
16 pagine

da Through the Woods, Simon and Schuster - USA (Mag 2014)