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Prospero's Books # 68
Copertina di David Rubin

Prospero's Books # 68 | The Fiction

Tunué Ottobre 2016
The Fiction # 1
The Fiction
Chapter 1: The Story of Everything
Curt Pires (script) / David Rubin (art) / David Rubin (inks) / Michael Garland (colors)
22 pagine

da The Fiction # 1, Boom Studios - USA (Giu 2015)
The Fiction # 2
The Fiction
Chapter 2: Memoria
Curt Pires (script) / David Rubin (art) / David Rubin (inks) / Michael Garland (colors)
22 pagine

da The Fiction # 2, Boom Studios - USA (Lug 2015)
The Fiction # 3
The Fiction
Where the Sky Hangs or Four Years Gone
Curt Pires (script) / David Rubin (art) / David Rubin (inks) / Michael Garland (colors)
22 pagine

da The Fiction # 3, Boom Studios - USA (Ago 2015)
The Fiction # 4
The Fiction
Chapter IV: Neverending or Until We Can't (Let's Go)
Curt Pires (script) / David Rubin (art) / David Rubin (inks) / Michael Garland (colors)
22 pagine

da The Fiction # 4, Boom Studios - USA (Set 2015)