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ctbomb / liborioplatania / max2001 / notoburattino

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giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1,


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The Phantom Stranger vol 2 # 38
Copertina di Jim Aparo

The Phantom Stranger vol 2 # 38

DC Comics Settembre 1975
The Phantom Stranger
The Curse of the Stalking Skull
Paul Levitz (script) / Fred Carrillo (art)
12 pagine
Black Orchid
The Secret of the Black Orchid
Michael Fleisher (script) / Russell Carley (script) / Fred Carrillo (art)
6 pagine