12 pagine
Ristampa in originale: Spécial USA # 10, L'Echo des Savanes/Albin Michel (Ott 1984), Ilustración + Comix Internacional # 50, Toutain Editor (Mar 1985)
Pubblicazione italiana: Comic Art # 13, Comic Art (Lug 1985), Grandi Eroi # 15 - Rocketeer, Comic Art (Lug 1987), The Rocketeer - Il primo volo, SaldaPress (Apr 2011), The Rocketeer - Le avventure complete, SaldaPress (Mar 2014), Rocketeer # 1 - Le Origini, SaldaPress (Ago 2019)
Missing Man
Missing Man Meets the Queen Bee
Steve Ditko (script) / Steve Ditko (art) / Steve Oliff (colors)
Missing Man Meets the Queen Bee
Steve Ditko (script) / Steve Ditko (art) / Steve Oliff (colors)
18 pagine
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