Silver and Grey, Part 3: Since You're Here, Why Don't You Stay Awhile? (Argento e grigio, pt 3: Giacchè siete qui, perché non restate ancora un po'?)
Judd Winick (script) / Matthew Clark (art) / Ron Randall (art) / Art Thibert (inks)
Silver and Grey, Part 3: Since You're Here, Why Don't You Stay Awhile? (Argento e grigio, pt 3: Giacchè siete qui, perché non restate ancora un po'?)
Judd Winick (script) / Matthew Clark (art) / Ron Randall (art) / Art Thibert (inks)
22 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: Dc Presenta: Outsiders # 3, Planeta DeAgostini (Ott 2007)
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