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L'Orrore e altre storie # 1
Copertina di Michael Manomivibul

L'Orrore e altre storie

Edizioni BD Luglio 2013
H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 1
The Dunwich Horror
The Dunwich Horror
Joe R. Lansdale (script) / Peter Bergting (art) / Peter Bergting (colors)
16 pagine

da H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 1, IDW Publishing - USA (Ott 2011)
H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 2
The Dunwich Horror
The Dunwich Horror
Joe R. Lansdale (script) / Peter Bergting (art) / Peter Bergting (colors)
16 pagine

da H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 2, IDW Publishing - USA (Nov 2011)
H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 3
The Dunwich Horror
The Dunwich Horror
Joe R. Lansdale (script) / Peter Bergting (art) / Peter Bergting (colors)
16 pagine

da H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 3, IDW Publishing - USA (Dic 2011)
H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 4
The Dunwich Horror
The Dunwich Horror
Joe R. Lansdale (script) / Peter Bergting (art) / Peter Bergting (colors)
16 pagine

da H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror # 4, IDW Publishing - USA (Gen 2012)
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train # 1
That Hellbound Train
Joe R. Lansdale (script) / John L. Lansdale (script) / Dave Wachter (art) / Alfredo Rodriguez (colors)
32 pagine

da Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train # 1, IDW Publishing - USA (Giu 2011)
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train # 2
That Hellbound Train
Joe R. Lansdale (script) / John L. Lansdale (script) / Dave Wachter (art) / Alfredo Rodriguez (colors)
32 pagine

da Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train # 2, IDW Publishing - USA (Lug 2011)
Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train # 3
That Hellbound Train
John L. Lansdale (script) / Joe R. Lansdale (script) / Dave Wachter (art) / Alfredo Rodriguez (colors)
32 pagine

da Robert Bloch's That Hellbound Train # 3, IDW Publishing - USA (Ago 2011)