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Nightmare # 7
Copertina di Albert Pujolar

Nightmare # 7

Skywald Giugno 1972
(horror story)
The Haunted Strangler
Al Hewetson (script) / Pablo Marcos (art) / Pablo Marcos (inks)
1 pagine
(horror story)
The Penitent
Ed Fedory (script) / Ferran Sostres (art) / Ferran Sostres (inks)
7 pagine
(horror story)
Group Jeopardy
S. F. Starr (script) / Amador García (art) / Amador García (inks)
6 pagine
(horror story)
The Giant Death Rat
Al Hewetson (script) / Serg Moren (art) / Serg Moren (inks)
7 pagine
(horror story)
Don Brown (script) / Don Brown (art) / Don Brown (inks)
3 pagine
(horror story)
The Altar of Blood
Bob Kirschen (script) / Pablo Marcos (art) / Pablo Marcos (inks)
7 pagine
(horror story)
A Father's Lament
Ed Fedory (script) / Francisco Cueto (art) / Francisco Cueto (inks)
9 pagine
(horror story)
Dennis Fujitake (script) / Dennis Fujitake (art) / Dennis Fujitake (inks)
4 pagine
(horror story)
The Essential Horror
Al Hewetson (script) / Ramon Torrents (art) / Ramon Torrents (inks)
8 pagine