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Nightmare Theater # 1
Copertina di Bernie Wrightson

Nightmare Theater # 1

Chaos! Comics Novembre 1997
Mr. Mischief & Psychotica
Good evening, dear patrons of the arts.
Brian Pulido (script) / Holly Golightly (art) / Eric Powell (inks)
3 pagine
One Perfect Night
One Perfect Night
Joy Mosier Dubinsky (script) / Bernie Wrightson (art) / Jimmy Palmiotti (inks) / Jack Gray (colors)
8 pagine
The Ballad of the Eyeball Dragster
The Ballad of the Eyeball Dragster
David Quinn (script) / Flint Henry (art) / Flint Henry (inks) / Dean Kubina (colors)
The Monster Hunter's Club
The Monster Hunter's Club
Hart D. Fisher (script) / Rick Veitch (art) / Thomas Yeates (inks) / Fiona Leonard (colors)
6 pagine