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New Talent Showcase 2017 # 1

I personaggi della cover sono disegnati ognuno da un diverso artista: Jim Lee (Wonder Woman); Matt Merhoff (Poison Ivy); Sam Lotfi (Doctor Fate); Lynne Yoshii (Katana); Lalit Sharma (Deadshot); Minkyu Jung (Duke Thomas)

New Talent Showcase 2017

DC Comics Gennaio 2018
Red Hood; Duke Thomas
Role call
Tony Patrick (script) / Minkyu Jung (art) / Klaus Janson (inks) / Pete Pantazis (colors)
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To the Hilt
Aaron Gillespie (script) / Lynne Yoshii (art) / Beth Sotelo (colors)
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What We Talk About When We Talk About Family
Al Letson (script) / Siya Oum (art) / Cris Peter (colors)
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Poison Ivy
Silent Screams
Owl Goingback (script) / Matt Merhoff (art) / Dave McCaig (colors)
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Desiree Proctor (script) / Erica Harrell (script) / Lalit Kumar Sharma (art) / Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar (inks) / Beth Sotelo (colors)
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Doctor Fate
The Cost of Magic
David Accampo (script) / Sam Lotfi (art) / John Rauch (colors)
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Wonder Woman
The Archive
Scott Snyder (script) / Ibrahim Moustafa (art) / Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colors)
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