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Marvel Mystery Comics # 10
Copertina di Alex Schomburg

Marvel Mystery Comics # 10

Timely Agosto 1940
Human Torch and Sub-Mariner
The Result of the Most Famous Battle In Comic Magazines
Bill Everett (script) / Bill Everett (art) / Bill Everett (inks)
1 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Marvel: Le battaglie del secolo # 32 - I primi crossover Marvel, RCS Quotidiani (Dic 2016), Decenni # 1 - La Marvel negli anni 40: La Torcia Umana vs Sub-Mariner, Panini Comics (Apr 2019), Timely's Greatest # 3 - The Golden Age vol.1: Sub-Mariner, Panini Comics (Ott 2021)
Human Torch
The Gasoline Profiteering Racket]
Carl Burgos (script) / Carl Burgos (art) / Carl Burgos (inks)
11 pagine
Hostilities Renewed
Bill Everett (script) / Bill Everett (art) / Bill Everett (inks)
10 pagine
The Angel
The Ghouls of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Ray Gill (script) / Paul Gustavson (art) / Paul Gustavson (inks)
8 pagine
Electro, the Marvel of the Age
Master of the Living Dead
Steve Dahlman (art) / Steve Dahlman (inks)
8 pagine
The Masked Raider
Treachery In Two Forks
Al Anders (art) / Al Anders (inks)
8 pagine
Terry Vance, the School Boy Sleuth
The Murder of a Man Without a Will
Ray Gill (script) / Bob Oksner (art) / Bob Oksner (inks)
6 pagine
Adventures of Ka-Zar the Great
A Visit From Scotland Yard
Ben Thompson (art) / Ben Thompson (inks)
8 pagine