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sempione77 / tobia88 / laracelo / Silus / Deboroh / giorgiocomics

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majinberto su Preacher # 1, Deboroh su Nuvole in tempesta # 1, eotvos su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 21, laracelo su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 23, laracelo su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 22,


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Marvel Mystery Comics # 5
Copertina di Alex Schomburg

Marvel Mystery Comics # 5

Timely Marzo 1940
The Human Torch
The Orton Medical Mission
Carl Burgos (script) / Carl Burgos (art) / Carl Burgos (inks)
12 pagine
The Angel
Adventure of the Overturned Cars
Paul Gustavson (art) / Paul Gustavson (inks)
8 pagine
On the Side of the Surface Men
Bill Everett (script) / Bill Everett (art) / Bill Everett (inks)
10 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Timely's Greatest # 3 - The Golden Age vol.1: Sub-Mariner, Panini Comics (Ott 2021)
The Masked Raider
Mystery of the Poisoned Arrows
Al Anders (art) / Al Anders (inks)
8 pagine
Electro The Marvel of the Age
The Tyrant of Torpis
Steve Dahlman (art) / Steve Dahlman (inks)
8 pagine
Ferret, Mystery Detective
King of the Counterfeiters
Stockbridge Winslow (script) / Irwin Hasen (art) / Irwin Hasen (inks)
6 pagine

Ristampa in originale: Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special # 1, Marvel Comics (Lug 2009)
Pubblicazione italiana: 100% Marvel # 94 - 70 anni di Marvel Comics, Marvel Italia (Apr 2010)
Adventures of Ka-Zar The Great
Fifth Episode [Return of the Oman]
Ben Thompson (art) / Ben Thompson (inks)
10 pagine