Laila Starr
Chapter 1: Once Upon A Falling Starr
Ram V (script) / Filipe Andrade (art) / Inês Amaro (colors)
Chapter 1: Once Upon A Falling Starr
Ram V (script) / Filipe Andrade (art) / Inês Amaro (colors)
22 pagine
da The Many Deaths of Laila Starr # 1, Boom Studios - USA (Apr 2021)
Laila Starr
Chapter 2: The Knowledge of Crows
Ram V (script) / Filipe Andrade (art) / Inês Amaro (colors)
Chapter 2: The Knowledge of Crows
Ram V (script) / Filipe Andrade (art) / Inês Amaro (colors)
22 pagine
da The Many Deaths of Laila Starr # 2, Boom Studios - USA (Mag 2021)
Laila Starr
Chapter 4: Conversations with God
Ram V (script) / Filipe Andrade (art) / Inês Amaro (colors)
Chapter 4: Conversations with God
Ram V (script) / Filipe Andrade (art) / Inês Amaro (colors)
22 pagine
da The Many Deaths of Laila Starr # 4, Boom Studios - USA (Lug 2021)
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