Sir Denis Nayland Smith - The Affair Of The Agent Who Died (Shaka Kharn demone guerriero!)
Doug Moench (script) / Paul Gulacy (art) / Pablo Marcos (inks)
Sir Denis Nayland Smith - The Affair Of The Agent Who Died (Shaka Kharn demone guerriero!)
Doug Moench (script) / Paul Gulacy (art) / Pablo Marcos (inks)
17 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: Shang-Chi. Maestro del Kung Fu v1 # 39 - Shaka demone guerriero!, Editoriale Corno (Lug 1978), Marvel Omnibus # 86B - Shang-chi, il Maestro del Kung-fu 2, Panini Comics (Ott 2018)
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