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Marvel Miniserie # 218
Copertina di Humberto Ramos

Al debutto Ghost Panther, la versione warp di Ghost Rider e Black Panther! Inizia qui la mini di Sleepwalker, l'unico eroe Marvel sopravvissuto! Per la prima volta in Italia le avventure soliste del cosiddetto Sonnambulo! Inoltre, storie brevi di Punisher Pack, Diamante Guercio e Foreverbush Man!

Marvel Miniserie # 218 | Infinity Wars 9

Panini Comics Maggio 2019
Infinity Warps: Ghost Panther # 1
Ghost Panther
There Is A Place Called Wakanda, Part 1
Jed Mackay (script) / Jefte Palo (art) / Jim Campbell (colors)
20 pagine

da Infinity Warps: Ghost Panther # 1, Marvel Comics - USA (Gen 2019)
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker # 1
Chad Bowers (script) / Chris Sims (script) / Todd Nauck (art) / Rachelle Rosenberg (colors)
20 pagine

da Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker # 1, Marvel Comics - USA (Dic 2018)
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps # 2
Punisher Pack
Punisher Pack
Cullen Bunn (script) / Garry Brown (art) / Lee Loughridge (colors)
6 pagine

da Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps # 2, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 2019)
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps # 2
Diamond Patch
Diamond Patch
Sina Grace (script) / Chris Sprouse (art) / Karl Story (inks) / Ruth Redmond (colors)
6 pagine

da Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps # 2, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 2019)
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps # 2
Foreverbush Man
Foreverbush Man 2ª parte
Jim Zub (script) / Scott Koblish (art) / Matt Yackey (colors)
1 pagine

da Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps # 2, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 2019)