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Marvel Top # 17

Marvel Top # 17 | Godzilla

Marvel Italia Febbraio 1998
Godzilla: King of the Monsters Special # 1
Randy Stradley (script) / Stephen Bissette (script) / Stephen Bissette (art) / Ron Randall (art) / Tony Salmons (inks) / Art Nichols (inks)
22 pagine

da Godzilla: King of the Monsters Special, Dark Horse - USA (Ago 1987)
Godzilla Color Special # 1
Godzilla King Of The Monsters
Randy Stradley (script) / Art Adams (script) / Art Adams (art) / Art Adams (inks) / Gracine Tanaka (inks) / Steve Moncuse (inks)
36 pagine

da Godzilla Color Special, Dark Horse - USA (Feb 2018)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters # 0
Blast from the Past
Randy Stradley (script) / Rich Suchy (art) / Bobby Rubio (art) / Brian Garvey (inks) / Daniel Rivera (inks) / Matt Hollingsworth (colors) / Cary Porter (colors)
22 pagine

da Godzilla: King of the Monsters # 0, Dark Horse - USA (Mag 1995)