3 pagine
da Captain America: The Legend, Marvel Comics - USA (Set 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Marvel Mega # 10 - Marvel Heroes: Leggende, Marvel Italia (Nov 1997)

Iron Man
Peter Sanderson (script) / Harry Candelario (art) / Jim Cheung (art) / Tom Grindberg (art) / Andy Lanning (art)
Peter Sanderson (script) / Harry Candelario (art) / Jim Cheung (art) / Tom Grindberg (art) / Andy Lanning (art)
15 pagine
da Iron Man: The Legend, Marvel Comics - USA (Set 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Marvel Mega # 10 - Marvel Heroes: Leggende, Marvel Italia (Nov 1997)

Fantastic Four
Tom DeFalco (script) / Mark Gruenwald (script) / Stan Lee (script) / Benny Powell (script) / Doug Alexander Gregory (art) / Nghia Lam (art) / Carlos Pacheco (art)
Tom DeFalco (script) / Mark Gruenwald (script) / Stan Lee (script) / Benny Powell (script) / Doug Alexander Gregory (art) / Nghia Lam (art) / Carlos Pacheco (art)
14 pagine
da Fantastic Four: The Legend, Marvel Comics - USA (Ott 1996)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Marvel Mega # 10 - Marvel Heroes: Leggende, Marvel Italia (Nov 1997)
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