Sherlock Holmes
The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part II: The Demon-Hound from Hell
Doug Moench (script) / Val Mayerik (art) / Tony DeZuniga (inks)
The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part II: The Demon-Hound from Hell
Doug Moench (script) / Val Mayerik (art) / Tony DeZuniga (inks)
24 pagine
8 pagine
Sherlock Holmes
Second Report of Dr. Watson: The Light Upon The Moor
Doug Moench (script) / Val Mayerik (art) / Tony DeZuniga (inks)
Second Report of Dr. Watson: The Light Upon The Moor
Doug Moench (script) / Val Mayerik (art) / Tony DeZuniga (inks)
17 pagine
Sherlock Holmes
The Hell-Hound Strikes
Doug Moench (script) / Val Mayerik (art) / Tony DeZuniga (inks)
The Hell-Hound Strikes
Doug Moench (script) / Val Mayerik (art) / Tony DeZuniga (inks)
6 pagine
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