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Marvel Adventures Spider-man vol 2 # 2
Copertina di Karl Kerschl

Marvel Adventures Spider-man vol 2 # 2

Marvel Comics Luglio 2010
Paul Tobin (script) / Matteo Lolli (art) / Terry Pallot (inks) / Scott Koblish (inks) / Sotocolor (colors)
When Shang-Chi, the Master of Kung Fu, comes to Midtown High, Peter Parker knows that trouble is probably coming along for the ride, but can even the amazing Spider-Man deal with feuding friends, a very unexpected new classmate, AND the villain known as Midnight, all at the same time? It's canine chaos and martial arts madness at its very best! Marvel Adventures/All Ages

20 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Marvel-Verse # 7 - Shang-Chi, Panini Comics (Ago 2021)