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Classici DC: La Lega della Giustizia di George Perez # 1
Copertina di George Pérez

La Lega della Giustizia d’America è stata protagonista di molte memorabili avventure, ma poche hanno lasciato un ricordo indelebile nei fan come quelle illustrate da George Pérez tra il 1980 e il 1983. In questo volume sono raccolte quelle mitiche storie, nelle quali il super-gruppo più famoso dell’Universo DC si allea con la Società della Giustizia d’America per affrontare avversari del calibro di Darkseid, Amos Fortune, la Società Segreta dei Super-Criminali e gli extraterrestri del pianeta Appelax. Inoltre, l’edizione è arricchita dalla presenza di tutte le copertine realizzate da Pérez per la collana e dalla cover disegnata nel 2001 per l’evento Justice Leagues.

Classici DC: La Lega della Giustizia di George Perez

La Lega della Giustizia di George Perez
Planeta DeAgostini Giugno 2010
Justice League of America vol 1 # 183
Justice League of America
Crisis on New Genesis or Where Have All the New Gods Gone?
Gerry Conway (script) / Dick Dillin (art) / Frank McLaughlin (inks) / Gene D'Angelo (colors)
25 pagine

protagonisti: Batman, Firestorm, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Superman, Doctor Fate, Huntress, Power Girl, Robin, Orion, Darkseid, Injustice Society
apparizioni: Black Canary, Elongated Man, Flash (Barry Allen), Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Red Tornado, Wonder Woman, Doctor Mid-Nite, Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Star-Spangled Kid, Wildcat, Big Barda, Mister Miracle

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 183, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1980)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 184
Justice League of America
Crisis Between Two Earths or Apokolips Now!
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Frank McLaughlin (inks)
25 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 184, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1980)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 185
Justice League of America
Crisis on Apololips or Darkseid Rising!
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Frank McLaughlin (inks)
25 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 185, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1980)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 186
Justice League of America
Who Can Stop the Shaggy Man?
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Frank McLaughlin (inks)
25 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 186, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1981)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 192
Justice League of America
Quest for Genesis
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / John R. Beatty (inks)
25 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 192, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1981)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 193
Justice League of America
Secret of Genesis
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / John R. Beatty (inks)
25 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 193, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1981)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 194
Justice League of America
Destiny Is a Stacked Deck
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / John R. Beatty (inks)
25 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 194, DC Comics - USA (Set 1981)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 195
Justice League of America
Targets on Two Worlds
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / John R. Beatty (art)
25 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 195, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1981)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 196
Justice League of America
Countdown to Crisis!
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks)
27 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 196, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1981)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 197
Justice League of America
Crisis in Limbo!
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Keith Pollard (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks)
27 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 197, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1981)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
A League Divided
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Brett Breeding (inks)
5 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 1: Firestrom, the Nuclear Man vs. Manhunter From Mars
Gerry Conway (script) / Pat Broderick (art) / George Pérez (art) / Terry Austin (inks) / Brett Breeding (inks)
9 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 2: The Phantom Stranger, Aquaman vs. Red Tornado
Gerry Conway (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / George Pérez (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Brett Breeding (inks)
7 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 3: Zatanna vs. Wonder Woman
Gerry Conway (script) / Dick Giordano (art) / George Pérez (art) / Dick Giordano (inks) / Brett Breeding (inks)
6 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 4: Green Lantern vs. the Atom
Gerry Conway (script) / Gil Kane (art) / George Pérez (art) / Gil Kane (inks) / Brett Breeding (inks)
6 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 5: The Flash vs. the Elongated Man
Gerry Conway (script) / Carmine Infantino (art) / George Pérez (art) / Frank Giacoia (inks) / Brett Breeding (inks)
6 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 6: Green Arrow, Black Canary vs. Batman
Gerry Conway (script) / Brian Bolland (art) / George Pérez (art) / Brian Bolland (inks) / George Pérez (inks)
6 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 7: Hawkman vs. Superman
Gerry Conway (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / George Pérez (art) / Joe Kubert (inks) / Brett Breeding (inks)
16 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 8
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Brett Breeding (inks)
3 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 9
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Brett Breeding (inks)
3 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)
Justice League of America vol 1 # 200
Justice League of America
Chapter 10
Gerry Conway (script) / George Pérez (art) / Brett Breeding (inks)
5 pagine

da Justice League of America vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1982)