Judge Dredd
The Guinea Pig That Changed the Law
John Wagner (script) / John Cooper (art) / John Cooper (inks)
The Guinea Pig That Changed the Law
John Wagner (script) / John Cooper (art) / John Cooper (inks)
6 pagine
da 2000 A.D. # 126, IPC - UK (Ago 1979)
Judge Dredd
The Great Plasteen Disaster!
John Wagner (script) / John Cooper (art) / John Cooper (inks)
The Great Plasteen Disaster!
John Wagner (script) / John Cooper (art) / John Cooper (inks)
6 pagine
da 2000 A.D. # 139, IPC - UK (Nov 1979)
Judge Dredd
New Year Is Cancelled
John Wagner (script) / Brendan McCarthy (art) / Brendan McCarthy (inks)
New Year Is Cancelled
John Wagner (script) / Brendan McCarthy (art) / Brendan McCarthy (inks)
5 pagine
da 2000 A.D. # 146, IPC - UK (Gen 1980)
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