Justice League of America
Più grossi arrivano
Mark Millar (script) / Mark Pajarillo (art) / Marlo Alquiza (inks) / Walden Wong (inks)
Più grossi arrivano
Mark Millar (script) / Mark Pajarillo (art) / Marlo Alquiza (inks) / Walden Wong (inks)
22 pagine
da JLA # 27, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1999)

Justice League of America
Inside Job
Mark Waid (script) / Devin Grayson (script) / Mark Pajarillo (art) / Walden Wong (inks)
Inside Job
Mark Waid (script) / Devin Grayson (script) / Mark Pajarillo (art) / Walden Wong (inks)
22 pagine
da JLA # 32, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1999)

Justice League of America
Altered Egos
Mark Waid (script) / Mark Pajarillo (art) / Walden Wong (inks)
Altered Egos
Mark Waid (script) / Mark Pajarillo (art) / Walden Wong (inks)
22 pagine
da JLA # 33, DC Comics - USA (Set 1999)

Justice League of America
The Ant and the Avalanche
Grant Morrison (script) / Howard Porter (art) / John Dell (inks)
The Ant and the Avalanche
Grant Morrison (script) / Howard Porter (art) / John Dell (inks)
22 pagine
da JLA # 34, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1999)
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