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I Simpson Comics # 2

Numero speciale, brossurato. Contiene il crossover " When Bongo collide! " pubblicato su tre diverse testate nell'estate 1994.

I Simpson Comics # 2 | Speciale: When Bongos collide!

Macchia Nera Novembre 1998
Itchy & Scratchy Comics # 3
Itchy & Scratchy
Labor pains
Mike Milo (script) / Harry McLaughlin (script) / Mike Milo (art) / Harry McLaughlin (art) / Mike Milo (inks) / Harry McLaughlin (inks) / Cindy Vance (colors)
6 pagine

da Itchy & Scratchy Comics # 3, Bongo Entertainment, Inc. - USA (Giu 1994)
Simpsons Comics # 5
The Simpsons
When Bongos Collide! [Part 2 of 3]
Bill Morrison (script) / Cindy Vance (script) / Steve Vance (script) / Steve Vance (art) / Bill Morrison (art) / Bill Morrison (inks)
26 pagine

da Simpsons Comics # 5, Bongo Entertainment, Inc. - USA (Lug 1994)
Bartman # 3
The Final Collision
Jan Strnad (script) / Steve Vance (script) / Steve Vance (art) / Bill Morrison (inks) / Cindy Vance (colors)
26 pagine

da Bartman # 3, Bongo Entertainment, Inc. - USA (Ago 1994)