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Iron Man e i Vendicatori # 77

Iron Man e i Vendicatori # 77 | Iron Man Techno 2 : Sympathy for the devil

Marvel Italia Giugno 2003
Iron Man Vol 3 # 56
Iron Man
Sympathy for the devil, pt 1
Mike Grell (script) / Ivan Reis (art) / Jose Pimentel (inks)
22 pagine

da Iron Man Vol 3 # 56, Marvel Comics - USA (Ago 2002)
Iron Man Vol 3 # 57
Iron Man
Sympathy for the devil, pt 2
Mike Grell (script) / Michael Ryan (art) / Sean Parsons (inks)
22 pagine

da Iron Man Vol 3 # 57, Marvel Comics - USA (Set 2002)
Iron Man Vol 3 # 58
Iron Man
Sympathy for the devil, pt 3
Mike Grell (script) / Michael Ryan (art) / Sean Parsons (inks)
22 pagine

da Iron Man Vol 3 # 58, Marvel Comics - USA (Ott 2002)
Iron Man Annual 2001 # 1
Iron Man
Chris Claremont (script) / Michael Ryan (art) / Sean Parsons (inks)
30 pagine

da Iron Man Annual 2001, Marvel Comics - USA (Ott 2001)