11 pagine
Masaichi Mukaide (script) / Masaichi Mukaide (art) / Masaichi Mukaide (inks)
Masaichi Mukaide (script) / Masaichi Mukaide (art) / Masaichi Mukaide (inks)
2 pagine
6 pagine
Chapter Two: Bones and Spheres
Mickey Schwaberow (script) / Mickey Schwaberow (art) / Mickey Schwaberow (inks)
Chapter Two: Bones and Spheres
Mickey Schwaberow (script) / Mickey Schwaberow (art) / Mickey Schwaberow (inks)
7 pagine
Chapter Three: Beware of Ashenwaste My Son
Mickey Schwaberow (script) / Mickey Schwaberow (art) / Mickey Schwaberow (inks)
Chapter Three: Beware of Ashenwaste My Son
Mickey Schwaberow (script) / Mickey Schwaberow (art) / Mickey Schwaberow (inks)
5 pagine
Siegried and the Dragon
Philip Craig Russell (script) / Philip Craig Russell (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks) / Philip Craig Russell (colors)
Siegried and the Dragon
Philip Craig Russell (script) / Philip Craig Russell (art) / Philip Craig Russell (inks) / Philip Craig Russell (colors)
1 pagine
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