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House of Secrets vol 1 # 91
Copertina di Neal Adams

House of Secrets vol 1 # 91

DC Comics Maggio 1971
The Eagle's Talon!
Gerry Conway (script) / Jerry Grandenetti (art) / Wally Wood (inks)
7 pagine
Realm of the Mystics
Ziito the Magician
Gerry Conway (script) / Jack Sparling (art)
1 pagine
Realm of the Mystics
The Ifrits!
Gerry Conway (script) / Jack Sparling (art)
1 pagine
Please, Don't Cry, Johnny
Sam Glanzman (script) / Sam Glanzman (art)
3 pagine
There Are Two of Me... and One Must Die!
Gerry Conway (script) / Murphy Anderson (art)
10 pagine