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Hot Stuf' # 6
Copertina di Rich Larson

Hot Stuf' # 6

Sal Quartuccio Dicembre 1977
12 Parts
Michael Netzer (script) / Michael Netzer (art) / Michael Netzer (inks)
8 pagine
The Apprentice
Gail Schlesser (script) / Gail Schlesser (art) / Gail Schlesser (inks)
8 pagine
The Walls of the City
Steven Grant (script) / Rich Larson (art) / Grisly (Tim Boxell) (inks)
6 pagine
Bil Maher (script) / Bil Maher (art) / Bil Maher (inks)
6 pagine
Ernie Colon (script) / Ernie Colon (art) / Ernie Colon (inks)
8 pagine
(science fiction)
Steel Souls
Dan Recchia (script) / Dan Recchia (art) / Dan Recchia (inks)
2 pagine
Winter of '94
Jan Strnad (script) / Rich Larson (art) / Grisly (Tim Boxell) (inks)
8 pagine