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Hit Comics # 28
Copertina di Ruben Moreira

Hit Comics # 28

Quality Comics Luglio 1943
Kid Eternity
Her Highness and the Maharajah
Sheldon Moldoff (art)
15 pagine
Betty Bates
The Swindling Dr. Zwindler
Al Bryant (art)
8 pagine
Her Highness
Rough, Tough, and Nasty
6 pagine
Stormy Foster
The Doll of Death
8 pagine
Bob and Swab
Messing With the Moslems
Klaus Nordling (script) / Klaus Nordling (art)
5 pagine
Woopy of Shootin' Creek
The Martian Invasion?
Sid Lazarus (art) / Robin King (inks)
6 pagine
Bill the Magnificent
A Matter of Wife or Death
Paul Gustavson (script) / Paul Gustavson (art)
11 pagine