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Chris / Cris_pres / fumettosc / max2001 / Deboroh / Crimen2007 / Silus

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Hit Comics # 24
Copertina di Reed Crandall

Hit Comics # 24

Quality Comics Ottobre 1942
Stormy Foster, the Great Defender
The General's Briefcase
Maxwell Elkan (art)
9 pagine
Betty Bates
The Power Plant Saboteurs
Al Bryant (art)
6 pagine
Bob and Swab
It Started With a Lost Hat
Klaus Nordling (script) / Klaus Nordling (art)
5 pagine
Comet Kelly
The Chinese Heroine
Vern Henkel (script) / Vern Henkel (art)
5 pagine
The Red Bee
The Drug Hijackers
Toni Blum (script) / Witmer Williams (art)
6 pagine
Ghost of Flanders
Giant Mushrooms
George E. Brenner (script) / George E. Brenner (art)
7 pagine
The Strange Twins
Hospital of Spies
S. M. Iger (script) / Alex Blum (art)
5 pagine
Captain Flagg
Revenge on the Japanese
Alex Koda (art)
5 pagine
The Swordfish
Duel with a Two-Man Sub
Fred Guardineer (script) / Fred Guardineer (art)
5 pagine
Don Glory
The Bund's Champion
Art Peddy (art)
7 pagine