HM's Hollywood Hell
More Laugh Makers
Drew Friedman (script) / Drew Friedman (art) / Drew Friedman (art)
More Laugh Makers
Drew Friedman (script) / Drew Friedman (art) / Drew Friedman (art)
1 pagine
The Hunting Party 10ª parte
Pierre Christin (script) / Enki Bilal (art) / Enki Bilal (inks) / Enki Bilal (colors)
The Hunting Party 10ª parte
Pierre Christin (script) / Enki Bilal (art) / Enki Bilal (inks) / Enki Bilal (colors)
10 pagine
Prima pubblicazione a episodi: Pilote # 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868 Dargaud Editeur (Ott 1981/Mag 1983)
Prima pubblicazione in volume: Partie de chasse # 1 - Partie de chasse, Dargaud Editeur (Mag 1983)
Tex Arcana
Meets the Toast of Europe 18ª parte
John Findley (script) / John Findley (art) / John Findley (inks)
Meets the Toast of Europe 18ª parte
John Findley (script) / John Findley (art) / John Findley (inks)
4 pagine
6 pagine
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