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Gundam - The Origin (機動戦士ガンダム: THE ORIGIN - Kidō senshi Gandamu: The Origin) # 7
Copertina di Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Gundam - The Origin (機動戦士ガンダム: THE ORIGIN - Kidō senshi Gandamu: The Origin) # 7

Kadokawa Shoten Luglio 2004
Amuro Ray
ジャブロー編・前 - Jaburō hen: mae (Jaburo )
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko (script) / Yoshikazu Yasuhiko (art) / Kunio Ōkawara (art)

Pubblicazione italiana: Gundam Universe # 13 - Gundam Origini 7, Star Comics (Dic 2005)