Green Arrow and Black Canary
A League of Their Own, Part 1: Rubber and Glue (Una lega tutta loro, pt 1: Gomma o colla)
Judd Winick (script) / Mike Norton (art) / Wayne Faucher (inks)
A League of Their Own, Part 1: Rubber and Glue (Una lega tutta loro, pt 1: Gomma o colla)
Judd Winick (script) / Mike Norton (art) / Wayne Faucher (inks)
22 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: Freccia Verde e Black Canary # 5, Planeta DeAgostini (Ago 2009), DC Evergreen # 58 - Freccia Verde/Black Canary: Finchè Morte Non li Separi, Panini Comics (Set 2023)
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